Emily Yenor

1212 Bodyworks | Physical Therapy | Muscle Activation Techniques®

It has been a life-long passion, and has now been my pleasure and privelege for the past 2 decades, to help others feel better. It truly is rewarding to work with clients, especially those who have experienced many other treatment approaches and still have symptoms, and help them uncover some missing pieces and accelerate healing.  

Tired of practiding the symptom-management approach of traditional, outpatient Physical Therapy for 10 years, I dove head-first into studying how the Muscular System works, and is often at the root of body pain and tightness. As the first female PT in Wisconsin to become a "Muscle Activation Techniques" (MAT) Certified Specialist in 2010, I started looking at the body in a whole new way, in which weakness is at the root of tightness. My clients and I were amazed at how much better they felt once their movement imbalances were identified and re-educated, rather than being "released" and stretched until they were blue and crying! In 2013, my eyes were opened further, beyond the techniques, to a holistic business model and progressive thought process that took my client outcomes to even greater heights, and in 2021 I became a "Certified Muscle System Specialist" (CMSS). Particularly intrigued by the feet (yes, you read that correctly), I have also been a Certified "Healthy Foot Practitioner" since 2015, and love to help this underappreciated area to support the whole body more efficiently.

I'd love to hear your story and help you reclaim your life through moving and feeling better!


1212 Bodyworks

Emily Yenor
Physical Therapist
Muscle System Specialist
Healthy Foot Practitioner
MELT Method Instructor Level 1

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